Don’t Train to Die
August 10, 2021
Don’t Train To Die I vividly recall training at the former Blackwater Firearms Training facility (now called Academi Training Center) in Moyock, North Carolina. We were engaged in simunition training inside a shoot-house. One member of our team was shot with a simunition round and he stopped fighting. The instructor
Train to Survive the Fight of Your Life
July 13, 2021
Developing Mental Toughness to Survive the Fight of Your Life This article is part 2 of a series of articles about mental toughness. Part 2 focuses on information about perfectly executing gun handling and marksmanship skills to survive the fight of your life. The Spartan Firearms Training
Concealed Carry Guidelines: Part 2 – The Concealed Carry System
June 24, 2020
Copyright 2020 by the Spartan Firearms Training Group. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced, edited, or modified without written permission. Spartan Firearms Training Group was formed in 2016. We provide high quality firearms training to help Maryland residents exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights legally and safely. The training we
Carrying Concealed Guidelines: Part 1
May 28, 2020
Copyright 2020 by the Spartan Firearms Training Group. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced, edited, or modified without written permission. Spartan Firearms Training Group was formed in 2016. We provide high quality firearms training to help Maryland residents exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights legally and safely. The training we
7 Ways To Protect Your Family During A Home Invasion
February 9, 2020
Home invasions are often confused with home break-ins or burglaries. Home invasions are far more dangerous and potentially more brutal than burglaries. Not all home invasions turn deadly, but some do. Homes are invaded by thugs who know you have substantial amounts of cash in the house, know you have
A Brief History of Gun Control: A Disarmed Population Is Easier To Oppress Than An Armed One
August 30, 2019
We begin with a look back at the history of gun control throughout the world. Next, we look at the history of gun control in the United States. We continue with an examination of the racist, sexist, and anti-gay underpinnings of gun control using Maryland as an example. We conclude
Ethical Principles for Firearms Instructors
May 9, 2019
Firearms trainers must have a solid base of ethical principles to guide their training. Firearms training in the classroom requires trainers to have up-to-date state of the art knowledge and training skills. Training on the range requires trainers to have firearms handling and marksmanship skills so they can demonstrate and